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Naturopath Calgary Naturopath YYC Dr. Riley Anderson Naturopathic Doctor

About Dr. Riley Anderson, ND


Hello, and thank you for visiting my website.


My clinical focus includes fatigue, digestive health, hormonal health, weight loss, fertility, anti-ageing, and mental health.


I get to the bottom of my patient's concerns and provide effective treatment plans that suit their lifestyle and vastly improve their quality of life. I practice as an evidence-based naturopath and favour practicality over complexity. 


I have worked professionally as a naturopathic doctor (ND)  in both Alberta and British Columbia, in addition to a year-long clinical internship in Ontario. I received my Bachelor of Kinesiology degree from the University of Calgary and leveraged this education to be selected for the Sports Medicine specialty shift at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM). Upon graduation, I was granted the award for Excellence in Naturopathic Physical Medicine amongst my class.


During my first few years of practice, I decided to shift my focus towards mental-emotional health. Today, I use my background in both physical medicine and mental health to operate as a truly holistic practitioner. 

While away from the office, my personal interests and activities include music (guitar, songwriting, singing, percussion), sports (martial arts, golf, ultimate frisbee, darts), reading philosophy, and cooking! There were several years between my undergraduate degree and doctor's degree when I worked as a corporate professional in the energy sector. My educational, professional, and personal background allows me to relate to a wide range of patients which I believe leads to better treatment outcomes. I am committed to helping patients regain their autonomy and I personally practice what I preach. 


Why I Became a Naturopathic Doctor


When I was in my senior year of high school, my mother began to experience some peculiar symptoms. It started harmlessly enough with tingling in her hands and occasional numbness in her legs, but then her eyesight started to deteriorate alongside her ability to walk. I was 17 at the time and I remember thinking that my life was about to drastically change. My sweet ray of sunshine was starting to fade before my eyes and I didn't know what to do. My mother was referred to a specialist where she received a full neurological exam and lumbar puncture test. When the results came back, she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis; the very same disease that led to the death of her sister (my aunt). 


My family started preparing for the worst. I spent many nights after school researching everything I could about the disease and how I could help her. Most of the holistic treatment options required drastic lifestyle changes but fortunately, my mother was up for the challenge. Over the next few years, I witnessed something incredible from her. She started reflecting on her life and began eliminating stressors wherever she could. She started meditating daily, went on a strict evidence-based diet, and fervently took her supplements. She was committed to being active in whichever ways possible, even on days she could barely move. Never did she complain, never did she stop being a world-class mom. Today, she is alive and well and is 20 years in remission. How is this possible?


Perhaps she was misdiagnosed, but she underwent stringent testing and multiple sclerosis runs in the family. I believe that it was not a singular variable that healed her, but the combination of lifestyle changes she committed herself to.


This story is what led me to become a naturopathic doctor. I firmly believe that everyone has the innate capacity to overcome their struggles. My naturopathic practice focuses on a combination of physical and mental health concerns and I am well-positioned to help patients through any combination of herbal medicine, mental health counselling, acupuncture, dietary changes, and more. 


Professional Associations:


  • Member of the Psychological Association of Naturopathic Doctors (PsychANP)

  • Licensed member of the College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta (CNDA)

  • Member of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND)


Education and Awards:


  • Clinical Intravenous (IV) and Naturopathic Injection Therapy (NIT) Certification

    • Choice Nutrition Centres Inc.​, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

  • Dr. Dunk Excellence in Naturopathic Physical Medicine

    • Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Toronto, Ontario

  • Doctor of Naturopathy

    • Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Toronto, Ontario

  • Bachelor of Kinesiology

    • University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta

  • Nutritional Certification

    • International Society of Sports Nutrition

  • Pharmaceutical Therapeutics and Prescribing​

    • Therapeutics Education Collaborative​, Vancouver, British Columbia

  • Naturopathic Emergency Medicine

    • BKS Courses + Training, Calgary, Alberta

  • Life Support​ for the Healthcare Provider

    • Heart & Stroke Foundation​, Calgary, Alberta

"Through intention, repetition, and patience,

change is always possible." 

Best in Calgary Badge Best Naturopath Calgary

Proudly featured on
"Best Naturopathic Clinics in Calgary"

Tue    12pm - 6pm

Wed  12pm - 8pm

Thu      2pm - 9pm

Sat       9am - 6pm

10816 Macleod Trail SE, #100

Calgary, AB. T2J 5N8

(In Willow Park Village)

Dr. Riley Anderson, B.Kin, ND

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